Deal Flow Engine

Your Automated Deal Flow is Waiting

Founders Raising Capital

The Leadwave engine will fill your Founders calendar with introduction meetings to investors that are a good fit.
Via the Engine and our Ai Agents.

Prospecting Engine
LinkedIn & Email

We will use your LinkedIn and Email on our Engine to reach out for you automatically after we refine a list of the best target for you.

Investors Looking for Startups

We'll give you automated pipeline of the hottest deals. Looking for the startup founded by the people who just left big tech? 
We've got it.

Leadwave's Engine

Used successfully by teams of all sizes

Frequently Asked Questions

What Volume can an Ai Rep do?
What results can we expect?
How do we stop our accounts from messaging the same prospects?
Can Lead Wave analyze my Sales data to show me who my ideal customers are and generate my leads for that ideal?

Ready To Get Started? Let’s Talk

Keep it simple.